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Robotic cable management system - LAPP

We have many cable manufacturers in India for robotic applications and Lapp is considered to be one of the trusted manufacturers. Withcables that can flexibly transmit control and monitoring signals as well as power.
The focus of this blog will be on:
Why is robotic cable management important?
How can you ensure you choose the best robotic cable management solution?

The Importance:

You can encounter various problems employing robotic cables. The obvious and the most severe problem is when a poorly designed cable system restricts the motion of a robotic arm.
With the increased flexibility of robotic cables and better cable design taking entire range of motion of the robot into account, LAPP is changing the robotic cable technology.
The focus should not just be on application-specific motions. Or else, it might result in restricted motion, and thus the flexibility and efficiency, of the robotic arm.
Binding cables tightly with excessive cable ties also creates problems like corkscrewing. With the stress on the robotic cables that accelerates their lifetime and increased chance of failure, leading to unproductive and unscheduled downtime.

Best Approach:

There are a number of things you can do to optimize robotic cable management.
Ensuring robotic cables are in one continuous path with no pinching or loose cables around any of the axes makes an example for a good robotic cable management. It’s also helpful to have the option to fully enclose cables to protect them from harsh environments, although permanently enclosed systems have their drawbacks.
A robotic cable carrier system can be put to use for robotic cable management. With spring-loaded designs, Robotic cable carriers can minimize catch and pinch points. As the cables exceed their service life, which all cables eventually do, the process of replacing without dismantling becomes easier, as opposed to fully enclosed dress packs.
Proper robotic cable management can be achieved many different ways, depending on the needs of your specific application. However, the few tips mentioned above are some of the best ways to ensure your robotic cables aren’t hindering robotic performance.
In the next section, we will check the various products from LAPP, one of the leading cable manufacturers in India which can be used as robotic cables and the design aspect.


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